Interiors Remembered in the Media
We’ve Started 2018 Off With A Bang!
Interiors remembered is honored to be featured in the latest issue of So Scottsdale! Our talented President and Design Director, Athena Vigil, was named one of the publication’s “People to Watch in 2018”.
The article discusses how Athena flawlessly helps her clients add the latest interior design trends to their intimate spaces.
“Through our designs, we make dreams come true!” states Vigil
Hear Us On 550 KFYI
Athena will also be on the acclaimed The Carol Royse Real Estate Show this Sunday, January 21st starting at 2pm talking about the latest interior design trends! You can listen to the show live on I-Heart radio’s 550 KFYI.
Interview Details
Date: Sunday January 21st, 2018
Time: 2:00pm -3:00pm
Want Some Professional Design Help?
Have you been considering a new look for the interior of your home, your second home, office, or boutique hotel and want an expert to bounce some ideas off of? Look no further than our Scottsdale interior design firm. Interiors Remembered can help!